The Members of True Spirit Gospel Band

In memory of
Denby "Teenie" Thomas
In Teenie's words:
"I wish to praise and give thanks to our Lord and Savior through
gospel music."
Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18
George Adams

In 1987 GOD ALMIGHTY sounded the WORD the alarm that captured my heart and saved my soul when he opened my ears to hear and my eyes to see that I was in desperate need of a Redeemer, I had made no reservations for eternity! I was drifting trying to survive without hope, without peace, if I had died then, I would have gone to a lake of FIRE, hell without GOD, I was lost but now thank GOD I heard his voice and answered the call! I have never been the same, I was born again and now I am found with the heartbeat of GOD beating in me on FIRE burning in my bones and SPIRIT with the message of the GOSPEL POWER of my SALVATION! The WORD of GOD has changed my life and has given me new songs with a new heart after GOD and HIS GREAT COMMISSION to carry the message of the cross, and to testify in song and testimony of what GOD has done for me and many others, I can bear witness with experience and evidence signs and wonders that cannot be denied.
I am dedicated to my LORD JESUS CHRIST who now lives in me and walks with me leads, guides and directs me into HIS righteous paths of HOLINESS and PEACE beyond all understanding! I can do nothing without HIM but with HIM I can do all things for the GLORY OF GOD IN JESUS NAME for HIS PLAN AND PURPOSE. JEREMIAH 29 v11. I am bought with a price, 1Cor 3 v16, and no longer my own! The JOY of my SALVATION is to serve my LORD with all my heart, soul and body and spirit in song, truth & HOLINESS with HIS PASSION and PURPOSE wherever and whenever, I will go I am on call and ready to serve and worship my Redeemer in SPIRIT and in TRUTH!
I am dedicated to my LORD JESUS CHRIST who now lives in me and walks with me leads, guides and directs me into HIS righteous paths of HOLINESS and PEACE beyond all understanding! I can do nothing without HIM but with HIM I can do all things for the GLORY OF GOD IN JESUS NAME for HIS PLAN AND PURPOSE. JEREMIAH 29 v11. I am bought with a price, 1Cor 3 v16, and no longer my own! The JOY of my SALVATION is to serve my LORD with all my heart, soul and body and spirit in song, truth & HOLINESS with HIS PASSION and PURPOSE wherever and whenever, I will go I am on call and ready to serve and worship my Redeemer in SPIRIT and in TRUTH!
Ralph Chilton

“I enjoy serving JESUS with my banjo. I enjoy laying up my treasures in heaven and not on this earth. I want to exalt JESUS CHRIST and not myself!”
Ralph has been with True Spirit since 1997, and he says it has been a real pleasure!
Ralph has been with True Spirit since 1997, and he says it has been a real pleasure!
Larry and Carol Snellings

"I have been fortunate to serve my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, by spreading His word and testimony in song for over 30 years.
It has been an honor and a pleasure to continue to serve the Lord as a member of the "True Spirit Gospel Band". The Lord has blessed me with a wonderful Mom and Dad whom I love very much. I am also blessed with four beautiful children, Kristi, Brandon, Kaylyn, and Brenton. I am so fortunate that my three oldest children, Kristi, Brandon and Kaylyn also sing and praise the Lord in song. What a blessing it is to have my children living for the Lord and spreading His word in song.
The Lord has been good to me in so many ways that I could never thank Him enough for all of the many things He has done for me. Playing my guitar and singing His praises is my way of thanking and praising Him and giving back just a little for all of the many blessings He has given so freely to me."
And above all, He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
"I have been fortunate to serve my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, by spreading His word and testimony in song for over 30 years.
It has been an honor and a pleasure to continue to serve the Lord as a member of the "True Spirit Gospel Band". The Lord has blessed me with a wonderful Mom and Dad whom I love very much. I am also blessed with four beautiful children, Kristi, Brandon, Kaylyn, and Brenton. I am so fortunate that my three oldest children, Kristi, Brandon and Kaylyn also sing and praise the Lord in song. What a blessing it is to have my children living for the Lord and spreading His word in song.
The Lord has been good to me in so many ways that I could never thank Him enough for all of the many things He has done for me. Playing my guitar and singing His praises is my way of thanking and praising Him and giving back just a little for all of the many blessings He has given so freely to me."
And above all, He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
Angie Cahoon

You shall surround me with songs of deliverance – Psalm 32: 7
Before electronic media, CDs, yes, and even before cassette tapes, there were vinyl records. My older sister had quite a collection of 45 RPM records and one of the greatest joys of my childhood was spending an afternoon playing stacks of them on the record player.
To the chagrin of others in the household, I would then walk around the house singing the songs I had learned from those old 45’s. What a disappointment it was that I often heard, “will you please be quiet!” Unfortunately, my desire to sing was much greater than my ability. I share this snip-it from my childhood because it attests to the statement, “God not only calls the equipped, He equips the called”.
Raised in a Christian home, I prayed to God for salvation while still quite young. However, it took years for me to realize that the essence of my Christian walk was not handed down in my earthly family’s traditions, but attained through the relationship I have with my Heavenly Father of whom Christ has made me heir. Romans 8: 14-15 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you did not receive the Spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out “Abba, Father”.
So, if you are reading this and have not experienced the glorious freedom from the bondage of fear and despair, there is hope! 1 John 1: 9 states that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. When you take those first steps and trust in God, there is such an adventure ahead of you!
As long as we offer our gifts back to him, he can take the darkest times in our lives and turn them to light and sour notes can turn into a beautiful song in His ears. What are your interests? What stirs your heart? That may be the first indication of God’s leading.
Trust in the LORD with all of your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. – Proverbs 3: 5-6
Show me your ways O LORD; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me. – Psalm 25: 4
Before electronic media, CDs, yes, and even before cassette tapes, there were vinyl records. My older sister had quite a collection of 45 RPM records and one of the greatest joys of my childhood was spending an afternoon playing stacks of them on the record player.
To the chagrin of others in the household, I would then walk around the house singing the songs I had learned from those old 45’s. What a disappointment it was that I often heard, “will you please be quiet!” Unfortunately, my desire to sing was much greater than my ability. I share this snip-it from my childhood because it attests to the statement, “God not only calls the equipped, He equips the called”.
Raised in a Christian home, I prayed to God for salvation while still quite young. However, it took years for me to realize that the essence of my Christian walk was not handed down in my earthly family’s traditions, but attained through the relationship I have with my Heavenly Father of whom Christ has made me heir. Romans 8: 14-15 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you did not receive the Spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out “Abba, Father”.
So, if you are reading this and have not experienced the glorious freedom from the bondage of fear and despair, there is hope! 1 John 1: 9 states that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. When you take those first steps and trust in God, there is such an adventure ahead of you!
As long as we offer our gifts back to him, he can take the darkest times in our lives and turn them to light and sour notes can turn into a beautiful song in His ears. What are your interests? What stirs your heart? That may be the first indication of God’s leading.
Trust in the LORD with all of your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. – Proverbs 3: 5-6
Show me your ways O LORD; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me. – Psalm 25: 4
Mark Sutphin

My first love in music is Bluegrass and Bluegrass Gospel. The only Opra I listen to is the “Grand Ole”! I started playing guitar when I was only 5 years old. There is a great deal of talent in my Christian family and I guess I was blessed to have some of it rub off on me.
I gave my life to Jesus at the age of 17 in the little Baptist church of my home town, Rural Retreat, Virginia. From that moment on, I have used my talent to serve the Lord and spread His word. When I graduated High School, I joined the U.S. Air Force and took my music ministry with me. I spent 2 years in Southern Italy where I was pleased to learn that the Italians there really loved Bluegrass Gospel music.
I’ve been in the Richmond area, living in Hanover County for 25 years. I have taken my music to a number of nursing homes in the area. I also played with the Gospel Chicken House Band at the Gospel Chicken House in Montpelier, VA. That was where I first met the current members of the True Spirit Gospel Band. I loved them from the beginning. I often dreamed and prayed about being a part of this wonderful group. Well, when the time was just right, my prayers were answered. On November 9, 2012, I will have been with True Spirit for one year! I have to say, this has been one of the most blessed years of my life. I love each and every one of True Spirit like family because that is what we are - family; brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ.
The Lord will defend His people; he will take pity on His servants Psalm 135:14
Please pray for our Nation.
God bless and keep you.
Mark Sutphin
Bob Goolsby
I gave my life to Jesus at the age of 17 in the little Baptist church of my home town, Rural Retreat, Virginia. From that moment on, I have used my talent to serve the Lord and spread His word. When I graduated High School, I joined the U.S. Air Force and took my music ministry with me. I spent 2 years in Southern Italy where I was pleased to learn that the Italians there really loved Bluegrass Gospel music.
I’ve been in the Richmond area, living in Hanover County for 25 years. I have taken my music to a number of nursing homes in the area. I also played with the Gospel Chicken House Band at the Gospel Chicken House in Montpelier, VA. That was where I first met the current members of the True Spirit Gospel Band. I loved them from the beginning. I often dreamed and prayed about being a part of this wonderful group. Well, when the time was just right, my prayers were answered. On November 9, 2012, I will have been with True Spirit for one year! I have to say, this has been one of the most blessed years of my life. I love each and every one of True Spirit like family because that is what we are - family; brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ.
The Lord will defend His people; he will take pity on His servants Psalm 135:14
Please pray for our Nation.
God bless and keep you.
Mark Sutphin
Bob Goolsby

All of my family (Father, Uncles, Aunts, and even Granddaddy) played bluegrass and old-time gospel music. I started playing the guitar when I was around 6 or 7 years old. The style of music I played was “rock-a-billy”, but I loved it all, especially listening to Elvis sing gospel music.
I was saved in the late seventies, but I wondered off the righteous path several times. Then, around the year 2000, I chose to go the right path. I became involved in church and music, and have been walking straight since that time.
I am so blessed by Jesus to be playing with such a wonderful ministry as True Spirit Gospel Band, and playing bluegrass gospel music.
My favorite verse from the bible is: “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13
Mark Mills
I was saved in the late seventies, but I wondered off the righteous path several times. Then, around the year 2000, I chose to go the right path. I became involved in church and music, and have been walking straight since that time.
I am so blessed by Jesus to be playing with such a wonderful ministry as True Spirit Gospel Band, and playing bluegrass gospel music.
My favorite verse from the bible is: “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13
Mark Mills

I have played music since I was 12 years old and been in Bluegrass bands since I was 17 years old.
I started singing in church at 15 years old and have always loved hymns and gospel music.
After my last stint with a Bluegrass band, I prayed that I could find a gospel band to play with and True Spirit literally fell into place. I truly see it as a prayer answered. The members of True Spirit love the Lord and are a joy to be around and praise God with; and I look forward to many years with them.
Colossians 2: 6-7
As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.
I started singing in church at 15 years old and have always loved hymns and gospel music.
After my last stint with a Bluegrass band, I prayed that I could find a gospel band to play with and True Spirit literally fell into place. I truly see it as a prayer answered. The members of True Spirit love the Lord and are a joy to be around and praise God with; and I look forward to many years with them.
Colossians 2: 6-7
As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.